Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

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* Al-Adiyat العاديات  2
( Then those striking sparks of fire, )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  3
( Then those charging in the morning )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  4
( Raising clouds of dust, )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  5
( Penetrating deep into the armies, )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  6
( That man is ungrateful to his Lord )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  7
( And is himself witness to it, )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  8
( And is intractable in his love of worldly goods. )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  10
( And the secrets of the hearts exposed, )

* Al-Adiyat العاديات  11
( Surely their Lord will be aware of their (deeds). )