Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

Note: Note: You can search all the Holy Quran chapters from main search page, searching in a chapter will be limited to that chapter

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  1
( HAVE YOU SEEN him who denies the Day of Judgement? )

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  2
( It is he who pushes the orphan away, )

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  3
( And does not induce others to feed the needy. )

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  4
( Woe to those who pray )

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  5
( But who are oblivious of their moral duties, )

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  6
( Who dissimulate )

* Al-Maa'oun الماعون  7
( And withhold things of common use (from others). )