Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

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* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  1

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  2
( These are the verses of the perspicuous Book. )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  9
( Your Lord is surely mighty and merciful. )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  11
( The people of Pharaoh. Will they not fear and take heed?" )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  12
( : He said: "O Lord, I fear that they will deny me. )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  17
( That you should send the children of Israel with us.' )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  19
( And you commited what you did, and you are ungrateful!" )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  20
( (Moses) replied: "I did do that and I was in the wrong, )

* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء  25
( (The Pharaoh) said to those around him: "Do you hear?" )