Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

Note: Note: You can search all the Holy Quran chapters from main search page, searching in a chapter will be limited to that chapter

* At-Tur الطور  1
( I CALL TO witness the Mount Sinai, )

* At-Tur الطور  2
( And the Scripture inscribed )

* At-Tur الطور  3
( On a parchment scroll unrolled, )

* At-Tur الطور  4
( The house ever-peopled, )

* At-Tur الطور  5
( The roof raised high, )

* At-Tur الطور  6
( And the swollen sea, )

* At-Tur الطور  8
( There is none who could avert it. )

* At-Tur الطور  9
( The day the sky will tremble, )

* At-Tur الطور  10
( The mountains move and fly away, )

* At-Tur الطور  11
( Will be the day of woe for those )

* At-Tur الطور  15
( Is it magic, or you cannot see? )

* At-Tur الطور  25
( They will ask each other questions, )