Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

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* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  1
( AN INQUIRER ASKED for the affliction that is to come )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  3
( From God, the Lord of the steps (of progression), )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  5
( So persevere with becoming patience. )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  6
( They surely take it to be far away, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  7
( But We see it very near. )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  8
( The day the sky becomes like molten brass, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  9
( The mountains like the tufts of (carded) wool, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  10
( And no friend inquires after friend )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  12
( His wife and his brother, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  13
( And his family who had stood by him, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  14
( And all those who are on the earth, to save himself. )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  15
( But never. It is pure white flame )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  16
( That would skin the scalp. )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  17
( It will summon whoever turns his back and flees, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  18
( Who amasses and then hoards. )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  19
( Surely man is greedy by nature. )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  20
( If evil befalls him he is perturbed; )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  21
( If good comes to him he holds back his hand, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  22
( Except those who closely follow (the Book of God), )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  23
( Who persevere in devotion, )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  24
( In whose wealth a due share is included )

* Al-Ma'aarij المعارج  25
( For the needy and those dispossessed, )